Learning or Build Stations

HSR Hacker House

Proposed by Adithya K Unni
No. of presenters: 3-4

Brief Description

this is similar to the sessions we host in hsr hacker house.

why we do this? to foster building/contributing proactively along with the community and not just attending these events for personal networking gains. our idealogy towards technology is anti-networking, don't talk about what you're building before you show people how you are building first.

Here's how the session will be

30 minutes - Build session where we work individually on open source tools/contributions, it could be documenting, promoting or writing code.

15 minutes - walk around and brainstorm with other individuals about what they're building, help them if they're blocked on anything or seek help/feedback if you need it.

15 minutes - everyone who participated in the session would be giving updates briefly about what they worked on.

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