Proposed by: Sayak Saha

Let's explore Microfrontends in React

In the ever-evolving landscape of frontend development, the emergence of micro frontends has reshaped how we architect and scale modern web applications. In this talk, titled "Let's explore Microfrontends with React," we embark on a journey to explore the intersection of ReactJS and micro frontend architecture.

The talk begins with an overview of micro frontends, elucidating their benefits and the necessity for modularity in large-scale applications. We delve into the challenges posed by monolithic frontend architectures and discuss how ReactJS serves as a catalyst for breaking down these monoliths into smaller, independently deployable units.

Throughout the session, key concepts such as communication between micro frontends, state management strategies, efficient routing and navigation techniques, and the concepts of host and remote apps in microfrontends will be thoroughly examined. We'll uncover best practices, tools, and testing methodologies essential for successful micro frontend development, supplemented by real-world case studies showcasing practical applications of these principles.

Furthermore, we'll include a live demonstration featuring webpack module federation and modifying Vite config to illustrate how to implement micro frontend architectures with popular build tools.

Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of micro frontend principles in ReactJS, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to build modular, scalable, and maintainable user interfaces in the modern web ecosystem.

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