Proposed by: Siddhant Khisty

Journeying through the Tales of Telemetry - A Dive into the OpenTelemetry Framework

In the vast landscape of modern computing, understanding the inner workings of our systems is paramount. Observability and telemetry play pivotal roles in this quest for insight, enabling us to unravel the mysteries within software and infrastructure. Join us on a captivating journey through the tales of telemetry as we explore the fundamental concepts and practical applications of observability. We will understand the insights that are obtained through a combination of logs, metrics and traces, and also understand what these contain. Within this presentation, we'll delve deep into the OpenTelemetry framework, a powerful toolset designed to empower development and operations teams alike in their quest for visibility. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a curious newcomer, this talk promises to enlighten and inspire, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of observability with confidence.

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