Proposed by: Shivam Katare

State Management Reimagined: A Journey into Zustand

This talk explores the state management in React, from Redux to the innovative world of Zustand. Redux has been the traditional state management approach for React developers, but in this session, we will simplify the complexities and discover an easier path with Zustand.

Explore React developers' challenges regarding state management and how Zustand, a lightweight yet powerful library, offers a paradigm shift. Discover the simplicity of Zustand's API, its seamless integration, and how it caters to the changing needs of modern React applications.


  1. Introduction: We'll briefly go into the state management landscape in React and highlight the complexities of Redux.
  2. Unveiling Zustand: We'll explore Zustand as a lightweight and reactive alternative, emphasizing its key features and benefits.
  3. Hands-On Integration: Then we'll explore practical examples of integrating Zustand into React applications.
  4. Zustand vs. Redux: Then, we'll showcase the differences in syntax, setup, and developer experience.
  5. Real-World Success Stories: Then, I'll share impactful examples of projects successfully using Zustand.
  6. Interactive Q&A: At last, we'll engage in an open discussion to address questions and concerns about state management in React.

Target Audience: Developers of all levels, particularly those facing frustrations with Redux or seeking a more streamlined state management solution in React.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand the current state management landscape in React and the limitations of Redux.
  2. Discover Zustand's strengths, including its lightweight design, reactivity, and hook-based API.
  3. Gain practical experience integrating Zustand into React applications through hands-on demonstrations.
  4. Learn how Zustand compares to Redux in terms of ease of use, efficiency, and scalability.
  5. Explore real-world use cases and benefits of adopting Zustand.

Additional Information:

I have 2 years of experience working in tech, with a specific focus on frontend libraries and frameworks such as React and Next. In my career, I have faced various challenges related to state management in React applications, which led me to explore alternative solutions like Zustand. This talk is about giving developers a new way to find better solutions. So, they can explore a wider range of possibilities. By doing this, I hope to make their work easier and more effective.

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