Proposed by: Venkatesh Chaturvedi

Zen Coding: Crafting an optimal developer workflow and ricing your way to efficiency!

Zen Coding: Crafting an optimal developer workflow and ricing your way to efficiency!


  1. Venkatesh Chaturvedi, Support Engineer @Atlassian
  2. Advik Singh, Backend Developer @Aftershoot

What is ricing and why ricing?

This part of the talk will introduce people to the term "ricing" and explain some commonly used terminology related to ricing and why to rice your distro.

Desktop Environment and Window Managers

This part of the talk will introduce people to the most popular desktop environments and window managers. We will talk about the advantages of usinng a window manager over a desktop environment and also vice versa.

Commonly used softwares

This will be about the most popular and commonly used softwares such as polybar/waybar, rofi/wofi and stuff like conky.

Terminal Customization

This will talk about creating and optimizing a terminal centric workflow using fish, tmux and an editor like neovim.

Developer Workflow

In this part we will talk about our personal dev workflows we use in our daily lives.


We will answer any questions that anyone has.

Source code/Reference:

Talk duration: