Proposed by: Dishant Sethi

I achieved peak performance in python, here's how ...


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, crafting code that not only functions flawlessly but also operates at peak performance is a skill that sets exceptional developers apart. This talk delves into the art of optimizing Python code, exploring techniques and strategies to fine-tune your programs for maximum speed and minimal resource consumption, with a particular focus on memory efficiency.


In this session, we will embark on a journey and refine the phases of development in python.

1. Functional Execution

2. Rigorous Testing and Accuracy

3. Performance Optimization

We will discuss common bottlenecks in unoptimized code

1. inefficient Coding Practices can negatively impact performance

2. Memory Leaks

3. Suboptimal Data Structures and Algorithms

4. Lack of Vectorization

5. Overlooked Parallelization

We'll further look into the benefits of profiling the code

1. Profiling the code with cProfile/sentry

2. Profiling the Code with timeit

3. Memory Profiler

Finally, for data driven application, we'll look into strategies to achieve peak performance

1. Efficient DataFrame Storage with Parquet Files

2. Handling Categorical Data Type

3. Looping Techniques and How to Choose Between Different Looping Techniques?

4. String concatenation (joins and cleanup)

[Attendees takeaway]

Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to enhance your optimization skills or a newcomer eager to understand the principles behind efficient Python code, this talk offers valuable insights and practical takeaways.


Basics of Python


Name: Dishant Sethi


Phone no: +919582565371

Designation: Software Consultant and Founder

[Previous Talks]

PyconDE and Pydata Berlin:

Gophercon India 2023:


Source code/Reference:

Talk duration: