Proposed by: K Gopal Krishna

VLANs, Firewalls and Networking with Proxmox

Proxmox serves as a great test-bed for many things and in that plethora, there's networking. And as it's widely known, networking can be a tough boss to beat. However networking doesn't really need to be about a bunch of OSI layers or fancy words that you see on the internet. Those fancy words have to mean something, right? They do, and they become real when you see them in practice. A great way to see networking magic in practice is by segregating your network into so-called "domains." Hence whatever happens in a domain, stays in a domain. With VLANs being one of those domains, you can break stuff in one VLAN, have firewalls lock you out of ssh, have multiple applications race each other for bandwidth or even run multiple VPNs if you wish. All of this is possible with VLANs on Proxmox, and the fun does not have to stop there. In this talk, we are going to talk about the following non-exhaustive topics:

  1. How does traffic get in and out of your 50 Proxmox VMs if all you have is one single public IP?
  2. Segregation of those Proxmox VMs in a tenant-like setup
  3. Can VLANs exist without a switch?
  4. What and why are VXLANs a thing?
  5. The state of firewalls on Proxmox

Of course, I understand all of the above is difficult to understand in 15 mins, which is why, a written post on all of these topics will be shared during/before the talk so that people can follow along or simply read it later.

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