Proposed by: Tanay V. PrabhuDesai

Using KeePassXC and Syncthing for Password Management

KeePassXC and Syncthing are the two tools that I use as a daily driver for my Password management across platforms (Arch Linux, Mac, Windows, Android)

  1. Why do we need Password Managers? (2 minutes)

Discuss the need and the different alternatives for Password Managers.

  1. Existing password managers which are popular (2 minutes)

We will discuss different password managers (proprietary) and what are the features that they provide.

  1. Problems with proprietary password managers (3 minutes)

There are a lot of problems with proprietary password managers and some of them even have has security holes.

  1. Intro to KeePassXC as a password manager (1 minutes)
  2. Features that KeePassXC provides (2 minutes)

What KeePassXC has and what it lacks compared to the existing proprietary alternatives.

  1. Improving security with a good password and a hardware key (3 minutes)

Show the audience what is a good password and what a hardware key is and how to add to make your database strongly encrypted.

  1. Using Syncthing to synchronise across all the devices (2 minutes)

Another tool called Syncthing to synchronise your encrypted databases across multiple devices (laptops/tablets/phones)

  1. Live demo (5 minutes)

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