Proposed by: Pranay Narang

OpenTelemetry: Why and How?

1. Introduction to Monitoring:

   a. Significance of observability in modern software systems.

   b. Monitoring systems and thinking about failure

   c. Current monitoring landscape and costs with observability tooling

2. What is OpenTelemetry?

   a. Birth of OpenTelemetry and community support

   b. OpenTelemetry architecture - SDKs, Collectors and Exporters

   c. OpenTelemetry Collector architecture - Receivers, Processors and Exporters

3. Why OpenTelemetry?

   a. Advantages and features making OpenTelemetry a preferred choice.

   b. Protocol standardization with OTLP and auto-instrumentation

   c. Supported languages and frameworks

4. How My Organization Implemented OpenTelemetry:

   a. Overview of the organization's tech stack, architecture, and what we should've monitored

   b. Challenges faced as soon as we started

   c. Choosing between the infinite ways of doing things

   d. A small demo of what our monitoring looks like today

5. Implementation Details:

   a. Technical aspects of integrating OpenTelemetry into applications.

   b. Instrumentation of code, collecting traces, metrics, and logs.

   c. Configuration and utilization of various OpenTelemetry components.

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