Proposed by: Adit Modi and Ishan Modi

Building a Diverse Open Source Community: The Cloud Tech Story

Join Adit and Ishan, co-founders of Cloud Tech, as they share their journey in building a diverse and inclusive community focused on open source technology. During the session, they will discuss the challenges and strategies for creating a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds, experiences and skill levels.

Adit and Ishan will also highlight the initiatives and programs, such as mentorship programs and diversity scholarships, that promote diversity and inclusivity in Cloud Tech. Attendees will learn about the benefits and impact of having a diverse community and hear real-life examples of how Cloud Tech has helped members level up in their careers and personal growth.

This session is perfect for community leaders, open-source contributors, and developers who are interested in learning about building a diverse and inclusive community. Get a unique perspective on how a diverse community can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the open-source ecosystem and tech industry as a whole. Don't miss the opportunity to learn about the initiatives and best practices implemented by Adit and Ishan in Cloud Tech, and how this approach has led to successful projects, job opportunities, and collaborative work.

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