Increase E2E coverage by Intelligent Virtualisation & Visual AI
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Flaky tests make our automation meaningless. We need to understand the reasons why tests are flaky.
While there could be many reasons for flakiness, we will focus on the following reasons, and how to resolve them:
* data related (dynamic, changing, validity, etc.)
* locator changes
* environment issue
* integration issues
In this session, with the help of demos, we will look at concrete and easy-to-implement techniques leveraging OSS and Visual-AI tools to reduce/eliminate the flakiness of your test execution:
The demo will be done using the following and a sample code will be shared with the participants
* [Specmatic](
* [Applitools Visual AI](
Learning Outcomes:
* Explore the real reason for flaky tests
* Implement Visual Assertions instead of Functional Assertions to increase test coverage, while reducing code and increasing test stability
* Use Intelligent and Dynamic Virtualization to remove external dependencies