Talk Submissions
Selected TalksThe talk submissions for IndiaFOSS 3.0 is open for public view in an anonymized format.
Talk proposal is closed. 180 proposals received.
FOSS project showcase
QloApps: Streamline Your Hotel Business Like Never Before
AI Model Inference on K8s
Art with Code
FOSS project showcase
Auto-Generating E2E Test-Cases and Mocks close to Reality w/ Keploy
FOSS project showcase
Autoinstrumented Observability (O11y) with Odigos
FOSS project showcase
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
FOSS project showcase
AutoPilot: Navigating the Future of Open Source Development with AI
B(I)LUG: A 25-year Retrospective
FOSS project showcase
Bruno - A Free and Opensource IDE for exploring and testing APIs
FOSS project showcase
Building an open source payments switch
Contributing without burning out
FOSS project showcase
Defending Your Network with Infection Monkey
Demystifying ASTs
FOSS project showcase
Digital Alchemy: Transforming Ideas into Circuits with CircuitVerse
FOSS project showcase
EnqDB - Open source workplace AI assist
FOSS project showcase
Exploring rumqtt - The MQTT ecosystem in rust
FOSS project showcase
Firefox Web Apps - A user centric lean alternative to Electron Apps
FOSS project showcase
FOSS Communities: What’s new in Discourse?
FOSS for Semiconductors
FOSS project showcase
FOSS Fusion: ArgoCD's DevOps Evolution
FOSS project showcase
FOSS in building Telecom Networks: 5G and Beyond an Open RAN case study.
FOSS in Clinical AI : Boon or Bane?
FOSS in undergraduate education
FOSS Security - What, Why and How
FOSS project showcase
FOSS Tools for Participatory Mapping and Humanitarian Response
FOSS project showcase
Frappe Meta Integration
FOSS project showcase
From gloom to bloom
FOSS project showcase
Glific: Driving Change through Effective Communication
FOSS project showcase
How Avni empowered grassroots organisations and community workers
FOSS project showcase
How FOSS powers the next big thing - Open Networks like ONDC and ONEST
FOSS project showcase
How to Come Up with an Open Source Library Idea That Matters
FOSS project showcase
Introducing `compiled`: The easiest way to speed up your Python apps
Introduction to eBPF
FOSS project showcase
IoT and Open-Source: The Dynamic Duo
Linkify: Bridging Generation for Success
FOSS project showcase
Logs Parsing Using OpenTelemetry and SigNoz
FOSS project showcase
Noobernetes assembly! Sneak Peek into one of the largest Open source project
Open source and Design
Open Source as a Pedagogical Tool
Open Source Ethics and Etiquette
Panel Discussion
Panel: Strategic Value of FOSS for India
FOSS project showcase
Plane: Project management tool from the future
FOSS project showcase
Poorna - The complete Malayalam Unicode character set keyboard.
FOSS project showcase
Raven - Simple work messaging tool
FOSS project showcase
Research Narratives: An inclusive data-analysis community hub
FOSS project showcase
ReVoman (Rev-Woman) | is an API automation tool for JVM (Java/Kotlin)
FOSS project showcase
Serverless Simplified: Deploying Appwrite Functions with GitHub
FOSS project showcase
Smriti: Smarter Home for your Photos and Videos
Teaching Open Source to Children
The 360!
The Art of Community Engagement
Toying with DNS
FOSS project showcase
Unleashing the potential of open source through TCET Linux
FOSS project showcase
Using Open Data to plan Flood management in Assam
FOSS project showcase
Using WebTorrent trackers for purposes other than torrents
FOSS project showcase
Vador & the Army of Validators
FOSS project showcase
Vibinex: A privacy-first pull-request UX for better code reviews
FOSS project showcase
What I learnt by building Vyaakaran to make learning fun
FOSS project showcase
What's new with Hoppscotch
FOSS project showcase
What's up with Chatwoot
FOSS project showcase
Why Istio Ambient Mesh will revolutionize Microservices!
FOSS project showcase
Wish - A customizable, extensible, themable bash prompt