The State of Accessibility in FOSS Frontend Development

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I feel FOSS is everywhere and for everyone irrespective of disabilities they have. Hence the talk on accessibility.

In this talk, I want to share my perspective on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) related to frontend development and the accessibility of frontend components in FOSS projects. Accessibility is a crucial aspect of web development, and FOSS can play a significant role in advancing inclusive design and development practices.

I will be covering below topics :

  1. Accessibility definition
  2. FOSS definition
  3. Where do we use FOSS?
  4. Laws related to accessibility
  5. My point of view on the current state of FOSS with respect to accessibility in frontend
  6.  positive points: design libraries, frameworks coming by default with some accessibility taken care of, semantic tags, W#C guidelines
  7. Do we really use the above when building FOSS?
  8. case study of listmonk if time permits


The role of the community

  1. Developers and designers together have to contribute to accessibility efforts
  2. While building FOSS read guidelines, and access what you build like a specially-abled person
  3. Once you build software make sure to go for audit. There are free open-source tools like a lighthouse, accessibility tree, and axe tool. There are professionals who do it
  4. the community has to create awareness of inclusive design for better accessibility

Where to report if we find a non-accessible public website in India^tfw|twcamp^embeddedtimeline|twterm^screen-name%3Asocialpwds|twcon^s1_c1

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