Art with Code
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Art with Code
- Art wIth Code: A series of creative coding courses and competitions conducted by Paper Crane Lab using open-source software p5.js
- Imagine this scenario
- You have been given all the tools you need- paper, colors, erases, brushes
- Your job is to enjoy and draw whatever comes to your mind in the 2 hours that they have given you
- Sounds great!
- What does the digital version of this scenario look like?
- Swap out the physical tools - paper, colors etc. with code - what happens then? Creative coding!
- This is what I would like to share in the talk “Art With Code”
- ̇What is creative coding?
- Type of programming where the goal is to create something expressive instead of something functional
- It has grown along with growing FOSS over the last two decades
- My talk will focus on one particular tool - p5.js, made by the Processing Foundation
- P5.js is a JavaScript library meant for artists and educators
- The Processing Foundation follows the FLOSS philosophy and considers the software it builds as creative and educational tools
- Paper Crane Lab and creative coding
- We at Paper Crane Lab (PCL) have been using p5.js as a tool to teach children how to code
- We recently conducted our first drawing competition for 200 students from 16 villages outside Bangalore
- They learnt to use p5.js in an hour and proceeded to make artwork using it in two hours
- Our presentation will include output artwork of the participants and winners
- Overall, my talk will cover
- What is p5.js, and what is its role in the FOSS movement
- How can we create a new generation of thinkers and tinkerers and programmers with creative coding as an entry point
- Why is it important for these tools to be open source, how does that increase its access
- The details of Paper Crane Lab's recent Art with Code competition
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